Personal Touch Pool Care - Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonials

Contact Personal Touch Pool Care today at 817-236-POOL (7665) and let us help you take care of all your pool service and maintenance requirements. We're here to help you!
On time and on budget.
"My husband was out of town and our pool broke down. I didn't know what to do. I was given Personal Touch Pool Care's number by a friend, who said give them a call. This was the easiest thing to do. After meeting with Personal Touch Pool Care, they got everything straightened out. They even found a hazard waiting to happen done by another company previously. Thank you for the great service. Personal Touch Pool Care is the Best!"

Mary - Southlake, TX

Honest and helpful.
"After calling practically every pool company in the yellow pages, my husband and I found Mathew at Personal Touch Pool Care. He was the first one to show up on time and give us an estimate when he said he would. He gave us a great price on installation of a pool heater and blower for our pool. Other companies said they had a great price, but turned out to be trying to over charge us. Mathew is professional, honest, hard working and very friendly. We would recommend him to anyone."

Brianna and Jay - Colleyville, TX

Quality work done right.
"I had Personal Touch Pool Care out to do a complete cleaning and filter repair on our pool. I was very impressed with the quality of work and your professionalism. Good work and thanks for getting my pool beautiful again. I have recommended Personal Touch Pool Care to friends and would recommend them to anyone."

Peter - Keller, TX

Prompt and great service.
"We wanted to let you know how very pleased that we are with your pool service. From day one, your company has provided such a high level of customer service, great communication and excellent work. We have found you and your employees extremely professional, prompt and attentive. We appreciate that you are always available to answer any questions that we may have regarding repairs or services."

Bill and Donna - Southlake, TX

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A few words from our satisfied customers